We can assist in the fulfilment of short, medium and long-term requirements of your organisation’s strategy where we have stong experience of recuriting within a dynamic labour market.
We excel in planning for changing demographics, managing the supply and demand for labour, minimising staff turnover and protecting scarce skill sets. Together we can identify and attract key people who create competitive advantage for the organisation. Taking prime postion in actively recruiting talent or working collaboratively developing networks that make it easier to attract talented individuals cost-effectively over the longer term we become ingrained in your goals and aspirations. Also we identify talent that sometimes is potentially hidden within the organisation and this can assist with succession planning and performance management.
We can assist in the compilation, running, management and follow up / continuing development of candidates in assessement centres for internal, external or executive / managerial / gradiate selection. This can be off or on site as suits the organsiation.
Boyd Stewart Limited
7 Brookfield Gardens, Glasgow
Registered in Scotland nr. SC 531447
VAT nr. 242 6283 15
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